Kitchen & 2 Bathrooms


A very popular service is a kitchen & 2 bathrooms cleaning. In this service, we will fully clean your kitchen and deep clean 2 bathrooms. We will high dust the rooms to get down cobwebs and dust from the tops of things. We will spot clean all the fronts of your cabinetry. We will work on hard water build up (though, depending on the level, this can take several cleanings to remove). We will put all soiled dishes in the dishwasher, pick up and fold any towels. Counters, sinks, tubs, showers, toilets will be fully scrubbed and sanitized. If there are windows in those rooms, they will be cleaned on the inside. The floors of those rooms will be vacuumed and mopped (if small, mopped by hand). Trim, switch plate covers and all other horizontal edges will be dusted.

Want this as a recurring service? Just ask….after the first service we’ll know what it takes to keep these most important rooms in your home clean and we can give you pricing based on your needs.

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