Terms And Safety
Contacting Us -
You can email us at admin@BoiseClean.Pro
You can call or text us at 208-377-7100
When you Book Online, we will review your request and if the day you suggested is not available, we will schedule you on the first available day. We will then email you a confirmation. After that, you can use the link in the confirmation to see your booking. You can use that link to book future service or you can continue to book online.
Hours -
Our Hours are M-F 8-4:30. All residential cleanings are scheduled between those hours.
Office cleanings. We provide Daytime Janitorial services during these same hours.
We are closed on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th plus 1, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas Day plus 1.
If your service falls on a day we are closed, our staff will reschedule your cleaning for another day and send you a notice. If that day doesn’t work, we are happy to work with you to find one that does.
We Do Not Set “Appointments”
We schedule cleanings M-F between 8:00am & 4:30pm based on your location relative to others scheduled on that day.
Please ensure your home is available to us between those hours.
To ensure we can get to everyone on the schedule, it's critical we pair cleanings that are in close proximity to each other.
Retirees, parents and others with time constraints
Some of us have a hard time with mornings, making an 8am cleaning rough. We get you! We are happy to note your account Prefers AM, Prefers PM, After 9am, After 10am, etc. Just let us know.
Kids getting home from school earlier than 4:30? If it’s best that we are done before your children get home, we can note your account as Must be done by 3:30, etc.
We are not able to accommodate time constraints that restrict us to a late start and an early finish such as between 10 & 3.
Occasionally, we work past 4:30 to complete the day. However, any service that would cause us to work past 6pm will be rescheduled.
Reminder email & text -You will receive a reminder email 3 days prior to service and a text 1 day prior. Please familiarize yourself with our late cancellation policy below.
We are aware our email confirmations use the term “appointment”. Unfortunately it’s hard coded and we cannot change it.
Recurring Cleans -
Our goal - is to understand your needs and create a cleaning plan that meets them.
On Site Visit - While we recommend an On Site Visit prior to arranging Recurring Service, we realize this is not always convenient. If you book without an On Site, we will ensure a Team Lead or a very experienced cleaner is at your first service. She will construct a checklist customized to your home and have it ready for your 2nd cleaning. Please communicate with us if you have any questions or need any changes.
1st Time Cleans - Your first cleaning will be more thorough and be a top to bottom cleaning. This will set the stage for successful recurring, maintenance cleaning.
Yearly Deep Cleans - We highly recommend you have us do a Deep Clean at least once a year. While we do not require this of our clients, we highly suggest it so that we can best care for your home.
Your Price - is based on the size of your home, the living conditions, the frequency and the input we receive from you. If you wish to lower your price, you may opt to have us skip specific areas of your home. Your customized checklist will reflect this.
Need Something Extra? - If it won’t take extra time, just leave a note for your team. If it may take extra time, just text, email or call and we’ll plan for it. There may be an additional charge and please give us several day’s notice.
You Will Be Assigned a Cleaning Day - of the week. Your cleaning will always be on that day except in the event we must reschedule (Holidays, etc). If you need to permanently change your day, just let us know. We’ll find a vacant spot on another day.
Cancellations - Please see Access & Cancellations below.
Move Cleans & One Time Cleans -
On Site Visit - is highly recommended. However, we realize this is not always convenient. Our pricing is built on certain assumptions and is accurate the vast majority of the time. Therefore, if you book without an On Site, it will most likely be just fine.
Without an On Site Visit however, we CANNOT GUARANTEE we will be able to meet your expectations.
Your Price - is based on the square footage of your home, the number of beds/baths and the soil level.
If you book without an On Site Visit, and we find the home to be abnormally soiled, we will increase your price by 20-50%.
For EXTREMEMELY SOILED PROPERTIES, we require an On Site Visit in order to generate your price.
If we do an On Site Visit, the price you are given is the price you will pay (provided no significant changes in condition).
Our goal is that you get the cleaning you want while setting our team up for success by allowing enough time.
Stipulations - There are things that make a Move Clean very challenging or impossible. Please ensure the following:
The property is completely vacant and major debris removed. We cannot move furniture, boxes or other items.
There are no other workers there that day.
There is hot water and electricity.
Trash cans are available on premises.
We are not a “Trash Out” service and do not remove large amounts of trash/debris/furniture, etc.
One Time Cleans -
One Time Cleans - are generally the same as a First Time Clean, which is a Deep Clean.
Generally speaking, if your home has not been professionally cleaned within the last two months, we ask that you schedule a One Time/First Clean as this is a Deep Clean.
However, if you’re a regular, but not on recurring service, we may be able to use lower pricing. Call, email or text - we’re familiar with your home and will work with you.
Guarantee -
If you are dissatisfied with your cleaning for any reason, please notify us within 24 hours.
We do not offer refunds.
Instead, we will, within a 7-day period return to reclean the offending area.
Cancellations, Late Change & Access Fees -
Happen when: you move or cancel your cleaning too close to the scheduled day; or when we cannot clean due to no access (see below); or you have not arranged for payment PRIOR to your cleaning.
Recurring - $75 fee if cancelled/moved inside of 2 business days (48 business hours) prior to your service day
Other services up to $499 - 50% of the quoted price if cancelled/moved inside of 3 business days prior
Other services $500 & up - 50% of the quoted price if cancelled/moved inside of 5 business days prior
Why do we charge these fees? Late cancels, late changes and lockouts leave our Team Members with fewer hours, which can make this industry less attractive. These fees help to smooth out the bumps so we can maintain a trained, experienced crew. Large jobs that cancel or change, leave us with large gaps that can be impossible to fill.
No Access - We make every effort to make our services easy to use, but it remains your responsibility to ensure we can get in without an undue wait. If we cannot gain access for any reason (changed codes, power outages, someone in the home asks us to not clean or asks us to start later, etc.), the fee will be charged and your cleaning may be skipped (depending on availability). We can work with keys, garage door codes and lockboxes. However, non-working or tricky handsets, locks, lockboxes, etc. could result in a fee being charged and the cleaning being skipped.
Recurring Clients & Keys - We highly suggest you provide us a key to your home. All keys are stored in our safe without names or addresses on them. Only the owner and the manager have the safe code. Keys are given out on the day of your cleaning and returned to a lockbox at day’s end. We want you to be comfortable with us. We take your security very seriously.
Payment -
Residential - All payments are due at the time of service. We require you either have a card on file prior to your service or provide cash or a check upon our arrival. We will charge your card after your service is complete. If you prefer to pay with cash or check, please have payment present when we arrive. If we arrive and no payment is present, we may cancel your service and charge the late cancel fee.
Commercial - We provide invoices for Commercial Accounts, and are happy to discuss terms with you.
Collection - If payment is not received when due, you will be assessed a 10% late fee and remanded to collections - which will include additional collection fees.
Legal -
We reserve the right to refuse or cancel service at any time.
By engaging us, you agree to all our terms as presented on our website and in any communication with us. You agree we are not liable for ordinary wear and tear; for items in poor repair; for items insecurely installed; for items that require replacement, for the fit, finish or quality of materials supplied by you. Any liability on our part arising out of our services to you is limited to $100. You understand and agree you will inform us of any products you do not want used. You further understand and agree it is your responsibility to inform us of any items you do not want cleaned. No claims on services performed or damage caused more than 24 hours after the service will be considered.
If there is any litigation needed between the Client and Boise Clean Pro it shall be filed and tried in Boise Clean Pro's local jurisdiction. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Idaho in Ada County and any applicable Federal Law.
Move items over 30 pounds
Move appliances or large furniture (sofas, large tables, stoves, refrigerators, washers, dryers)
Wash walls (we spot clean and dust) - Wall washing can be arranged for Deep, Move & Construction Cleans
Wash light bulbs/fragile glass fixtures
Clean out fireplaces or wood burning stoves
Clean biohazards
Clean old paint drips
Clean above a 3' step-ladder reach (plus length of extension dusters)
Clean items that are damaged, fragile or in need of replacement/remodel
Clean electronic screens (TV's, computers, etc.)
To provide the best cleaning services possible, our cleaning company commits to following these 11 simple rules:
We typically work in teams of two or more.
We are mindful of children's access to cleaning supplies.
We keep cleaning supplies organized and safely located near the employees.
We request that all pets be kept away from workers for the duration of service.
We require all weapons locked away for the duration of service.
We do not climb heights beyond 6 ft., per OSHA guidelines and our insurance policies.
We do not clean inside glass cabinets or near antiques and other priceless items.
We use non-invasive solutions wherever possible - We graduate to more aggressive solutions when soil levels require it.
We use masks and gloves when those more aggressive chemicals are necessary.
We use HEPA-filtered vacuums to keep your home as clean as possible.
Need more information? Call or text us at 208-377-7100.
Book Today!
With our online booking store, you can book your house cleanings more conveniently than ever! Just click to book, give us some info about days and we’ll find you a spot!